If eyes are the windows to the soul, poetry is the conscience of Man laid bare under a blistering sun. Words have survived centuries of war and famine and deadly discourse. They do not bend in the wind. Words can change lives. They can alter the course of a generation. At their worst, words can convict the innocent and condemn the less fortunate to a life wrought with self-guilt. At their best, words can shine a spotlight on the inequities and injustices of this world; past, present, and future. In its rawest form, poetry is a call to action. Set to music, poetry is the embodiment of the human blues.
This website is dedicated to the memories of those individuals pressed between the pages of the books herein; snapshots of life moving along at its own pace; living, breathing memories whose names are as lost in a sea of obscurity as the promise they once held; the forgotten; the hungry; the overlooked, when not looked down upon; collectively, someone’s baby cast to the wind.